

2024 (County)

  Ordinance No. 2024/01 (Appropriation to Amend Original Ordinance 2023/14)
  Ordinance No. 2024/02 (Ordinance to Amend the Original Appropritaion Ordinance 2023/14)
  Ordinance No. 2024/03 (Adopting the Supplemental Approriations Transfers & Revenues)
  Ordinance No. 2024/04 (Emergency Ordinance to Establish a Pay/Per/Call Program for Grant County Rescue First Responders)
  Ordinance No. 2024/05 (Appropriation Ordinance To Amend The Original Ordinance 2023/14 The 2024 Annual Budget)
  Ordinance No. 2024/06 (Appropriation Ordinance to Amend The Original Appropriation Ordinance 2023/14 The Annual Budget)

2023 (County)

  Ordinance No. 2023/01 (Ordinance Establishing the Date, Time, and Place for Quorum Court Meetings)
  Ordinance No. 2023/02 (Adopting the Supplemental Approprations Transfers and Revenues)
  Ordinance No. 2023/03 (Establish New Funds for the County of Grant )
  Ordinance No. 2023/04 (To Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2022/14)
  Ordinance No. 2023/05 (Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2022/14)
  Ordinance No. 2023/06 (Ordinance Designating District Court as Primarly Responsible for Collection of Fines)
  Ordinance No. 2023/07 (Ordinance Authorizing the Transfer of Certain Property)
  Ordinance No. 2023/08 (Ordinance to Amend the Origianl Appropriations Ordinance 2022/14)
  Ordinance No. 2023/09 (Ordinance to Amend the Original Appropriations 2022/14)
  Ordinance No. 2023/10 (Ordinance Authorizing Issuance of Industrial Development Revenue Under Act #9)
  Ordinance No. 2023/11 (Ordinance to Amend the Original 2023 Budget)
  Ordinance No. 2023/12 (Ordinance Levying the Millage Rates for All County Taxes for 2023 to Be Paid in 2024)
  Ordinance No. 2023/13 (Approiation to Amend the Orginal 2022/14 The 2023 Annual Budget)
  Ordinance No. 2023/14 (Ordinance to Establish the Annual Operating Budget for Year 2024)
  Ordinance No. 2023/15 (Ordinance to Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2022/14)
  Ordinance No. 2023/16 (Adopt a New Ordinance Setting Grant County Capitalization Policy Repealing Grant County Ordinance No. 2002/03

2022 (Tull)

  Ordinance No. 1/2022 (Establishing Standard Rules and Guidelines for the Installation, Placement , and Location of Cell Towers)
  Ordinance No. 2/2022 (Adopting Zoning Regulations for the City of Tull)
  Ordinance No. 3/2022 (Budget Ordinance Street and General Funds Town of Tull)
  Ordinance No. 4/2022 (General and Street Funds For the Town of Tull)

2022 (Sheridan)

  Ordinance No. 22/01 ( Establishing Purchasing Procedures City of Sheridan)
  Ordinance No. 22/02 (Adopting Supplemental Appropriations City of Sheridan)
  Ordinance No. 22/04 (Detailing Minimum Street Specifications and Regulations for New Developments City of Sheridan)
  Ordinance No. 22/05 (Regulating the Construction and Installation of Solar Energy City of Sheridan)
  Ordinance No. 22/06 (Levying 0 Mills on All Real and Personal Property Within the City Limits of The City of Sheridan)
  Ordinance No. 22/07 (Annexing Certain Territory to The City of Sheridan)
  Ordinance No. 22/08 (Electronic Funds Payment System City of Sheridan)
  Ordinance No. 22/09 (Designation District Court as primarily Responsible for the Collection of Fines Assessed in City of Sheridan)
  Ordinance No. 22/10 (Adopting the City of Sheridan Budget)

2022 (Prattsville)

  Ordinance No. 22/10 (Levying 5 Mills on all Real and Prersonal Property Within the City Limits of Prattsville)

2022 (County)

  Ordinance No. 2022/01 (Adopting the Supplemental Appropriations Transfers)
  Ordinance No. 2022/02 (Adopt a Pay Allowance)
  Ordinance No. 2022/03 (Setting Per Diem Compensation)
  Ordinance No. 2022/04 (Establish a County General Sub/Fund)
  Ordinance No. 2022/05 (Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2021/14)
  Ordinance No. 2022/06 (Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2021/14)
  Ordinance No. 2022/07 (Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2021/14)
  Ordinance No. 2022/08 (Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2021/14)
  Ordinance No. 2022/09 (Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2021/14)
  Ordinance No. 2022/10 (Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2021/14)
  Ordinance No. 2022/11 (Amending the Original Apprpriation Ordinance 2021/14)
  Ordinance No. 2022/12 (Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2021/14)
  Ordinance No. 2022/13 (Levying the Millage Rates for all County Taxes)
  Ordinance No. 2022/14 (Establish the Annual Operating Budget for 2023

2021 (Sheridan)

  Ordinance No. 21/02 (Adopting Supplemental Appropriations to The Permanent 2020 Budget)
  Ordinance No. 21/03 (Clarifying Personnel Guidelines for Sheridan Fire Department)
  Ordinance No. 21/07 (Continuation of Doing Business with Certain Established Businesses Within Sheridan City Limits)
  Ordinance No. 21/09 (Levying 0 Taxes on all Real and Personal Property Within the City Limits of Sheridan)
  Ordinance No. 21/10 (Adopting for the City of Sheridan a Budget)

2021 (County)

  Ordinance No. 2021/01 (Adopting the Supplemental Appropriations)
  Ordinance No. 2021/02 (Establish A Sub/Fund of County General)
  Ordinance No. 2021/03 (Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2020/11)
  Ordinance No. 2021/04 (Establish a Special Revenue Fund)
  Ordinance No. 2021/05 (Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2020/11)
  Ordinance No. 2021/06 (Permitting the County to Purchase Services Directly)
  Ordinance No. 2021/07 (Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2020/11)
  Ordinance No. 2021/08 (Repeal Ordinance No. 2015/02)
  Ordinance No. 2021/09 (Adopt and Addendum #2021/1)
  Ordinance No. 2021/10 (Adopt New Minimum Road)
  Ordinance No. 2021/11 ( Establish Premum Pay)
  Ordinance No. 2021/12 (Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2020/11)
  Ordinance No. 2021/13 (Levying the Millage Rates)
  Ordinance No. 2021/14 (Establish the Annual Operating Budget for Year 2022)
  Ordinance No. 2021/15 (General Revenue Fund)
  Ordinance No. 2021/16 (Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2020/11)

2020 (Sheridan)

  Ordinance No. 20/2 (Adopting Supplemental Appropriations to the Permanent 2019 Budget)
  Ordinance No. 20/3 (Setting Fees for Garbage and Sanitation Services City of Sheridan)
  Ordinance No. 20/5 (Adjusting Fees for Accident Reports and Incident Reports City of Sheridan)
  Ordinance No. 20/6 (Adjusting Deposit Fees for Water and Sewer Services City of Sheridan)
  Ordinance No. 20/7 (Levying 0 Taxes on all Real and Personal Within City Limits)
  Ordinance No. 20/8 (Adopiting A Budget for the City of Sheridan)

2020 (County)

  Ordinance No. 2020/01 (Adopting the Supplemental Approriations)
  Ordinance No. 2020/02 (Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2019/08)
  Ordinance No. 2020/03 (Emergency Ordinance to Address Leave Polices)
  Ordinance No. 2020/04 (County Collector the Preparer of the Tax Books)
  Ordinance No. 2020/05 (Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2019/08)
  Ordinance No. 2020/06 (Establish an Electronic Warrant Transfer)
  Ordinance No. 2020/07 (Establish a Sub/Fund)
  Ordinance No. 2020/08 (Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2019/08)
  Ordinance No. 2020/09 (Appropriation Ordinance to Amend the Original Appropriation)
  Ordinance No. 2020/10 (Levying the Millage Rates)
  Ordinance No. 2020/11 (Annual Operating Budget for Year 2021)

2019 (Tull)

  Ordinance No. 2019/01 (Budget Ordinance)
  Ordinance No. 2019/2 (Department of Public Safety)

2019 (Sheridan)

  Ordinance 19/2 (Annexing Certain Territory)
  Ordinance No. 2019/9 (Levying Zero Taxes)

2019 (County)

  Ordinance 2019/1 (Adopting Supplemental Appropriations)
  Ordinance 2019/2 (Amend Appropriation Ord)
  Ordinance 2019/3 (Handguns)
  Ordinance No. 2019/05 (Levying the Millage Rates)
  Ordinance No. 2019/06 (Amend the Original Appropriation Ordinance 2018/06)
  Ordinance No. 2019/07 (Additional Motor Fuel Tax Fund)
  Ordinance No. 2019/08 (Annual Operating Budget for Year 2020)

2018 (Sheridan)

  Ordinance 18/4 (Levying Zero Taxes)

2018 (Prattsville)

  Ordinance 18/1 (Levying Taxes)

2018 (Poyen)

  Ordinance 2018/2 (Poyen)

2018 (County)

  Ordinance 2018/1 (2017 Annual Operating Budget)
  Ordinance 2018/2 (Interlocal Agreement)
  Ordinance 2018/3 (Fund for County of Grant)
  Ordinance 2018/4 (Removing Fund Restriction)
  Ordinance 2018/5 (Millage Rate)
  Ordinance 2018/6 (Annual Operating Budget)
  Ordinance 2018/7 (Personnel Policy)

2017 (Poyen)

  Ordinance 2017/1 (Flood Damage Prevention)

2017 (County)

  Appropriation Ordinance 2017/4 (Special Election)
  Ordinance 2017/1 (2016 Annual Operating Budget)
  Ordinance 2017/1 (Vacating Alley in Sawyer Austin Addition)
  Ordinance 2017/10 (Mandate Direct Deposit)
  Ordinance 2017/11 (Compensation for Quorum Court Members)
  Ordinance 2017/12 (2018 Annual Operating Budget)
  Ordinance 2017/2 (Flood Damage Prevention)
  Ordinance 2017/3 (Assessor Late Assessment Fee Fund)
  Ordinance 2017/5 (Vote Center for all Elections)
  Ordinance 2017/6 (Sheriff Radio Equipment Fund)
  Ordinance 2017/7 (Vote Center, Replacing Ord. 2017/5)
  Ordinance 2017/8 (Fund for the County of Grant)
  Ordinance 2017/9 (Millage Rate)