The Treasurer is the disbursement officer of the county and is the unofficial or quasi comptroller. As Treasurer I am responsible for the custody and disbursement of all county funds and school district funds. The Treasurer's office receives county property tax collections from the sheriff/collector, county turnback funds, grant funds, fees and fines from other county officials and departments and revenues from various other sources. After receiving this revenue, we distribute the money to various taxing entities and the other units of the county. To account for all monies in accordance with the requirements of Arkansas state law this office maintains sixty-seven separate funds on the Treasurer's books and has nine bank accounts.
The Treasurer must keep an accurate and detailed account of all receipts and disbursements of the county. These records are the evidence of the official acts of the office and , therefore, it is necessary that they be accurately recorded and well maintained. We are audited for compliance each year by the Arkansas Division of Legislative Audit.
To help keep track of the requirements I attend various continuing education seminars throughout the year.
The County Treasurer is required to make a monthly financial report to the quorum court on the fiscal condition of the county. The County Treasurer is responsible for the revenue projections for all county funds, these revenue projections are what the county's yearly budget is based upon.
The Office of County Treasurer is operated according to the office budget which is established annually by the Quorum Court of the county.
Tim Stuckey Grant County Courthouse 101 W. Center St., Room 112 Sheridan, AR 72150